Friday, January 09, 2009

Day #25 (2009/01/08) Nothing new

Today, tonight, bad weather, it was!
Go ahead, guess the value of today's relative humidity (easy).. Now guess the average temperature! Ok, that one is trickier, the average temperature may have been around 0ºC. We had a minimum of -4ºC and a maximum of +4ºC.. 50% negative values, 50% positive.. Average, zero..
For days in a row, the weather here has...

Wait a minute!.. What am I writing?.. Why is it each time there is nothing to say we -- BAM! -- talk about the weather!.. I could go sleep: I'm in an astronomical observatory with no possibility to observe los astros, because of the weather! -- Oh, there it is, I'm talking about the weather again!
I should say something else, improvise a different excuse for not working.. Something stupid, say, something like: "We could not leave the house because we left the key outside the door turned! But then people would ask: "Then, why don't one of you go out the window and get the key from the door so that you can open it from inside?"; then I would reply "we can't because of the weather" and, again, the weather subject comes in!
Or even if I repeat my joys from the last post about sliding on an icy road, I will inevitably have to explain it with cold weather... This is hopeless!

Why would the weather be like this on a place where it's supposed to be sunny 80% of the year? And no snow, even!! As I said in a previous post, I either want it to snow, or to observe, not exactly the rest in between...
Oh well, yesterday's forecasts pointed at the weather improving in the weekend.. Let's see if it stars improving tomorrow!

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