Sunday, December 21, 2008

Night #6 (2008/12/20)

Another night started off quite good!
We pointed again to our daily early-night target, WR140. Then we revisited HD14134.. But the most important step of the night was our first spectra of WR 1 (HD4004). This is a tough target to find, because it is a faint star, with little visual clues around. This was our second real attempt at pointing at it, and we finally made it!
Our plans for the second half of the night were to image Oe type stars. I am yet to talk about these stars, as I promised in early December.. But for now, just imagine there are only 8 of such stars known on our galaxy!..
Unfortunately, humidity rose, and we had to close the dome. But, it dropped to 50% and we decided to open the dome and try again, but it came again, managed to get one 20-minute exposure of HD45314.
The weather is really not favoring our targets of this type. They only reach a good observing position with our equipment at the end of the night (after 02:00 am). And for the last 2 nights, weather did not allow any observation.
After that sole exposure of the Oe star, we were forced to cose the dome again, due to - you guessed it - humidity. 5 minutes later, we were inside a cloud again. It was time to leave the camera making Darks (calibration exposures) and head "home"...

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