Sunday, December 21, 2008

Casa Solar

Casa Solar
Originally uploaded by Filipe Dias
Our home for these days is amicably called "Casa Solar". Solar house, in English. Why so? I suspect of two reasons. The first is related with the observatories that surround it. Two of these are dedicated to Solar observation, and among them is the largest solar telescope on Earth, the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT). So this neighouring solar hospitality may have given the name to the house.. There is also another reason for naming our house that way: All heat, and hot water is energized by solar action! The roof of the house is covered with water heating solar panels. There is a small (1,5x larger area than our house) solar water heating system nearby as well.
I am amazed at how, after two days of cloudy weather, there still is hot water. But you can still note the temperature of the heaters go down on the cloudy days.

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